UNC Aycock Clinical Trials Suite, Chapel Hill, NC

As a pro­vi­sion­al step to de­vel­op­ing per­man­ent fa­cil­it­ies for the per­form­ance of clin­ic­al tri­als, the the Uni­versity of North Caro­lina School of Medi­cine Plan­ning Of­fice en­gaged GS Ar­chi­tec­ture to ex­am­ine an un­der-util­ized fa­cil­ity in the Ay­cock Fam­ily Phys­i­cians Cen­ter for the short-term hous­ing of med­ic­al ex­am­in­a­tion rooms ne­ces­sary for the con­duct of clin­ic­al tri­als.

The pro­posed med­ic­al suite includes el­ev­en ex­am­in­a­tion rooms and an of­fice, and would be de­veloped with­in an ex­ist­ing build­ing on the med­ic­al school cam­pus. Upon the re­lo­ca­tion of the clin­ic­al tri­als prac­tice to its per­man­ent site, these fa­cil­it­ies should be ad­apt­able to con­ver­sion and use by an­oth­er med­ic­al prac­tice.