LDI China University, Beijing, China

Be­gin­ning with an in-coun­try design char­rette in June, 2000 GS Ar­chi­tec­ture pro­grammed and de­signed the res­id­ence hall and din­ing com­mons that will be the first new build­ing on the cam­pus.

The uni­versity or­gan­izes its res­id­en­tial life around co­horts of about 40 stu­dents. In the design of the new build­ing, GS Ar­chi­tec­ture planned com­munity kit­chens, wash­rooms, laun­dries and stu­dent lounges to serve suites of 40 res­id­ents. The five-story, 5,000 square meter (55,000 sq. foot) build­ing will house more than 300 stu­dents and faculty.
LDI1.png; LDI4.jpg
LDI China Uni­ver­sity is a pri­vate in­form­a­tion tech­no­logy and busi­ness uni­ver­sity to be loc­ated in north­east Beijing’s Huairou County.

As a par­ti­cipant in a unique fa­cil­it­ies design con­sultancy team, Grant Sung headed the mas­ter­plan­ning team and re­com­men­ded the ad­apt­ive re­use of three ex­ist­ing build­ings for con­ver­sion in­to ad­min­is­trat­ive of­fices, classrooms and fac­ulty/staff hous­ing.

The cam­pus site is bi­sec­ted North from South by an ex­ist­ing street. To the South will be the uni­versity cam­pus, to the north is the uni­versity’s af­fil­i­ated busi­ness in­cub­at­or cam­pus. The prin­cip­al ax­is of the cam­pus will be anchored by the Ad­min­is­tra­tion Build­ing, the Lib­rary, and the Uni­versity Aud­it­or­i­um.

Area: 57 Acres
Stu­dent Body: 1200