Biological and Biomedical Sciences Program, Chapel Hill, NC
Pri­or to their dif­fer­en­ti­ation in­to the var­ied dis­cip­lines of bio­lo­gi­cal or bio­med­i­cal re­search, the Uni­versity of North Car­o­lina recruits pro­spect­ive gradu­ate stu­dents through the newly-cre­ated Bio­lo­gic­al and Bio­med­ic­al Sci­en­ces Pro­gram. The pro­gram also provides aca­dem­ic and pro­gram sup­port, as well as com­munity, for its first-year gradu­ate stu­dents.

GS Ar­chi­tec­ture de­signed BBSP’s first de­part­ment­al suite in the Neur­os­ciences Build­ing. Design in­tent in­cluded:
  • Ag­greg­at­ing fac­ulty and staff from scattered loca­tions around the med­ic­al cen­ter;

  • Ac­com­mod­at­ing form­al and in­form­al gath­er­ings of vary­ing size;

  • Us­ing the design to cre­ate a defin­it­ive “brand” or im­age for the new de­part­ment.