Alexander Pointe, Fayetteville, NC

Al­ex­an­der Pointe is a 291-unit apart­ment com­munity planned for Fay­etteville, NC. Build­ings will be three-story wood frame with some walkup loft units at the top floor. There are eight total build­ings of two primary types, some with el­ev­at­ors.

A short com­mute from Fort Bragg, care has been taken to pre­serve con­tigu­ous wet­lands, and to use them as an im­port­ant site amen­ity. Al­ex­an­der Pointe will fea­ture a club­house with pool, ex­er­cise room, theat­er, con­fer­ence fa­cil­ity, ath­let­ic courts, etc.

GS Ar­chi­tec­ture de­veloped the site concept and schem­at­ic design pack­age for Al­ex­an­der Pointe be­fore the pro­ject was in­def­in­itely sus­pen­ded in 2006.