Arbor Pointe, Wilmington, NC

Ar­bor Pointe Vil­lage is a 146-unit con­domin­i­um com­munity pro­posed for Wilm­ing­ton, NC. Build­ings are three-story wood frame over struc­tured park­ing (split level). Res­id­ent Amen­it­ies in­clude a club­house, pool, and ath­let­ic courts.

Im­me­di­ately con­tigu­ous to sens­it­ive wet­lands, Ar­bor Pointe was de­signed to meet “Ex­cep­tion­ally-De­signed Pro­ject” cri­ter­ia as es­tab­lished by the City of Wilm­ing­ton, in ad­di­tion to the City’s “Stew­ard­ship Awards Pro­gram”.

GS Ar­chi­tec­ture, PA de­veloped the site concept, co­ordin­ated with Stew­art (Civil) En­gin­eer­ing, and worked with plan­ning staff to suc­cess­fully se­cure a con­di­tion­al-use rezon­ing for the prop­erty.