East Main Street Townhomes, Durham, NC

As a “gate­way” pro­ject for the HUD-fun­ded Hope VI Re­devel­op­ment of North­east Cent­ral Durham, the Main Street Town­homes an­chor neigh­bor­hood revital­iz­a­tion from a prom­in­ent loc­a­tion at the corner of East Main and Eliza­beth Streets.

The pro­ject in­cludes 43 apart­ment units (mix of flats and town­homes), plus com­munity amen­it­ies such as of­fices, a com­puter lab, a lib­rary, meet­ing rooms and laun­dry fa­cil­it­ies.

As design con­sult­ant to The New Syn­ergy, Inc., Grant Sung served as lead de­sign­er for the pro­ject. Bo Har­ris­on, while em­ployed by The New Syn­ergy, Inc. served as pro­ject ar­chi­tect, su­per­vising the pro­duc­tion of design and con­struc­tion doc­u­ments.

The first units were com­pleted and oc­cu­pied in Decem­ber, 2004.