NCCU Graduate Apartments, Durham, NC

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NCCU Gradu­ate Apart­ments is a twenty-unit apart­ment build­ing with­in a short walk­ing dis­tance of North Car­o­lina Cent­ral Uni­versity. Units are a mix of one- and two-bed­room flats, each with el­ev­at­or ac­cess. There is a com­munity laun­dry room at a base­ment level.

The state-fun­ded pro­ject had a total con­struc­tion budget of $1.6 mil­lion and was com­pleted in the fall of 2004.

While em­ployed by The New Syn­ergy, Inc, Bo Har­ris­on served as Pro­ject Ar­chi­tect for NC­CU Gradu­ate Apart­ments, from Schem­at­ic Design un­til the start of con­struc­tion.