Multifamily Housing

From March of 1999 un­til June of 2002, Bo Har­ris­on worked in the Mem­ph­is, Ten­ness­ee of­fice of noted “New Urb­an­ist” design firm LRK Ar­chi­tects, Inc. As a Job Cap­tain/ Pro­ject Man­ager in the Mul­ti­fam­ily Group, he served a key role in the design & doc­u­ment­a­tion for a num­ber of sig­ni­fic­ant urb­an build­ing pro­jects.

Pro­jects of note in­clude the award-win­ning Wa­ter­Col­or Town Cen­ter (sev­en­teen mixed­use build­ings in a new vil­lage con­tigu­ous to Sea­side, Flor­ida), and the Beacon at Har­bor Town Land­ing (an icon­ic mixed-use ad­di­tion to the town cen­ter of a not­able new urb­an com­munity on Mud Is­land in Mem­ph­is).