Poplar Manor Apartments, Durham, NC

Pop­lar Man­or Apart­ments was slipped among an ex­ist­ing neigh­bor­hood of post-war two-story apart­ment build­ings. Ex­ist­ing build­ing forms, mass­ing, and the com­pos­i­tion of the build­ing el­ev­a­tions were stud­ied in or­der to in­form this build­ing’s design and main­tain visu­al con­tinu­ity with­in the sur­round­ing con­text.

While at Richard A Gurl­itz Ar­chi­tects, Grant Sung was the Design and Pro­ject Ar­chi­tect for Pop­lar Man­or, a HUD-fin­anced $3.2 mil­lion 72 unit apart­ment com­plex off-cam­pus at Duke Uni­versity.

The com­plex, due to a very re­stric­ted site, is con­ceived as a single three-story, court­yard-style build­ing with a net­work of el­ev­ated ex­ter­i­or breeze­ways and stairs con­nect­ing the one– and two– bed­room units on the up­per floors.

Com­pleted: Ju­ly, 1998