Shortbread Lofts, Chapel Hill, NC

Short­bread Lofts is planned on 1.27 acres in down­town Chapel Hill, NC and in­cludes 160,000 heated square feet in eight levels over three levels of struc­tured park­ing. The Ground Floor level, in ad­di­tion to park­ing, in­cludes a “liner” build­ing along West Rose­mary Street with a fit­ness cen­ter, a small lobby for the res­id­ents, and re­tail area.

Up­per floors will in­clude a min­im­um of 108 apart­ments, with a mix of one- to four- bed­room flats and two-level town­house apart­ments.

An­ti­cip­ated con­struc­tion will be Type 1B, sprink­lered (NFPA 13R) with stand­pipes.